100 wc 3/11/20

I have arrived at my destination. The hill. Since It's winter, it's really good for sledding down.It's a long way up, but I can manage. I get more hyped as I get closer to the top. Finally I have made it to the top. I am ready to have some fun. Here I go.. weeeeeee!. As I'm going down at a rapid speed,I get a snowball thrown at me. I watch him laugh as I zoom past him. I get to the bottom. And and for a giant snow ball and throw it at him. He ain't laughing no more. He shoots a snowball out of a snowball pistol and that triggered my anger. I grab out my snowball AK. I straight bop him to the floor. That triggered a SNOWBALL FIGHT. There are Kids with snowball snipers, catapults and snowball mortars. Everyone is making their way through the fight. There are kids trying to be the next Fe4rless by hitting sniper trickshots. I take cover behind a snow wall. I set up my shielded snow mounted LMG. And I straight go to town on them. I knock lots of people to the floor. But through some snow walls, poke out the nozzle of a snowball cannon. A snow cannonball shoots out towards Me. It knocks me out. Some snow medics come and heal me. I am shivering with fear. I could not go on anymore. I fall asleep. I wake up in my room with a hot bowl of soup on my bedside with hardly any memory of what happened earlier. FIN
